Dear MDT: Our marketing automation software can only deploy emails. Are text messages critical enough to consider switching to a different platform?
If your automated customer journey campaigns are only leveraging emails, you are definitely missing out on one of the most powerful marketing channels there is available today…text messages.
In fact, based on our own data over this last year, we have consistently seen click volume on text messages eight to ten times greater than click volume on emails.
Yeah, eight to ten TIMES.
That is a massive difference in performance. But when you think about your own email and text habits, it just makes sense. If you’re like every other person I know, you probably have thousands of unopened emails sitting in your personal email account. But how many unopened text messages do you have?
So yes, if you are ready to incorporate texting into your automated marketing campaigns and you cannot do that on your current platform, you should definitely make the switch.
That said, most marketing automation platforms, including ones that specialize in email, do a good job of integrating with text messaging systems. Everyone has their favorites, but we recommend using Twilio which we have integrated into our HubSpot marketing workflows. It works great.
One other thing to mention about text message marketing…
Out of any marketing channel available to us today, text messages carry the greatest regulatory risk. If you haven’t run a text message marketing campaign before, you need to understand how to run them in a compliant way. Texting platforms will give some guidance, but ultimately, the responsibility will fall on you.
So, should you incorporate texting into you marketing campaigns? Absolutely! But do you need a different marketing automation software to make it happen? Not necessarily.
If you’d love to incorporate texting into your automated marketing campaigns but need a helping hand, we’re happy to help! MDT has been helping businesses like yours build and deploy automated, omni-channel marketing campaigns (including text messages) for over 15 years. If you have questions, we probably have answers. Schedule a discovery call and let us help you. Schedule your call here.
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